How Does Writing Affect Your Brain?

writing perks title

“Girls with long legs. Summer evenings. Two fingers of rum. All three at once? That’s the dream dear boy, that’s the dream.”

That’s what my uncle Jimmy used to say whenever anyone asked him what he liked. He never had kids, and died a single man. But a happy man, if you judge the amount of his favourite things he enjoyed on a daily basis.

Can you sum up your greatest likes with such a short sentence? How would it sound?

See for me there’d have to be something about reading. And invariably from that stems a love of writing. They’re not mutually exclusive, yet they can’t be divided. Not cleanly. One makes me want to do the other. Sure, I’m not saying I don’t like summer evenings too, but for me it’s getting lost in a great story then trying to create your own that brings me greatest happines.

When it works out, anyway. When it doesn’t work, it’s pure agony. But I digress, more often than not I’m touching success, if not actually tasting it.

So what does writing do to your brain?

Well, it’s funny you should ask…

Amazing Facts on Writing and How it Affects Our Brain [Infographic] - An Infographic from

Embedded from

Thanks to Ian Arnison-Phillips for taking the time to put the above together, and for making it available for all bloggers here.

© Itchy Quill and, 2016

5 thoughts on “How Does Writing Affect Your Brain?

  1. Exceptional post! That info graphic was informative and awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Earlier last week I read an editorial -(I think it was in the New York Times)- chiming the “end of handwriting” and ever since I’ve been having little talks with people about how handwriting is different from typing so this is timely. Thanks!


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